BodyFX body contouring

Proven to be the most effective Non-Surgical Body Contouring procedure.

BodyFX/MiniFX uses radio-frequency technology to achieve permanent fat cell death and skin tightening. This is also the only non-invasive procedure that reduces the appearance of cellulite. Clients can see up to a 30% loss in fat cells in the treated area, making BodyFX the most effective Health Canada-approved body contouring procedure.

The Details

Procedure Time : 30- 75 minutes (Treatment Time depends on the size of the treatment area

Anesthesia: None

Recovery Time : None

Pain Level : Mild- Moderate

No. of Sessions Required : 8-12 weekly sessions, depending on desired results and severity of the treatment area

Results : Begin to see results 6 weeks after first session, and optimal results will be seen 8 weeks after the last session

Risks/Side Effects: Slight redness and swelling is usually seen at the treatment site directly after, but it is completely safe to return to normal daily activities (including physical activity. Skin will return to normal within a few hours.

Price: The cost of treatment varies, depending on the size of the area treated and how many sessions are required. For a precise quote, please book a consult to discuss your body contouring goals.

Am I a Candidate?

BodyFX/MiniFX candidates are individuals who have areas of stubborn fat, who do not want to undergo an invasive surgical procedure such as liposuction. Body Contouring is not a weight loss program. It targets pockets of subcutaneous fat but cannot address hard, visceral fat.


This video demonstrates how the BodyFX technology works, using radio frequency energy, coupled with heat and negative pressure, to cause permanent cell death.